Monday, June 9, 2008

TT Hershey Update #7 - Hot - Hot - Hot

Saturday: The topic of the day in the Hershey area is the temperature. It's been in the high 90s for the last 4 days and today is no exception. By tomorrow there appears to be relieve on the way. Thank goodness. Since the graduation event, we've been just chilling out. Saturday was a day to stay around the coach most of the day to avoid the heat. There was a bike ride that took me into Hershey where I met Audrey in front of the All Saints Episcopal Church where I loaded the bike on the car. From there we headed to Wendy's for a snack. By the time we got back to the coach it was time to watch the Belmont Stakes. Sure was a disappointment to see Big Brown fail to win the Triple Crown. It was also disappointing to watch the coverage where there was so little said to about the winning horse.

Sunday: It was off to church for the 8:00 a.m. service at the All Saints Episcopal Church . To Panera Bread after that and free access to the Internet. Soon after we returned to the coach, it was time to leave again. I rode the bike to Hershey to see our grandson play baseball and Audrey drove. We met our daughter there and headed off to a nearby Wendy's for something to drink. This was about 1:00 p.m. and the game did not begin until 2:00. Our daughter brought our forwarded mail along with the GPS that had come from Garmin. Remember our GPS died a few weeks ago. Also in the mail were two cycling jerseys that were bought on eBay. Check out the picture of one of them. Good buys - $8.00 & $9.00. Such a jersey would cost $50.00 or more at a bike shop.

Check the right panel for the pictures taken at the baseball game. Connor pitched the first few innings and then played first base. Our son-in-law Rob coaches the team.

Today: Audrey is off for a walk before it gets too hot. She really minds the heat. Later I'll hit the road with the bike and head toward Hershey and Panera Bread. I want to be sure of a good Internet connection at 1:00 p.m. so I can learn about the updated iPhone. Steve Jobs is expected to make an announcement today at the Worldwide Developers Conference. There is likely to be a stop at the Prime Outlet Mall in Hershey sometime today since Audrey has her eye on a new top. We cannot be away from the coach for too long because of the heat. We worry about Phara. We'll have the AC running along with 2 fans. If the AC should shut down, the fans will provide cooling for her.

Stay tuned for the next post.

1 comment:

John & Pat said...

Hi Dave and Audrey,
I think, Dave you paid a little too much for that shirt.
You have a beautiful granddaughter, I know she takes after your side of the family, Audrey. Enjoyed the pictures, you will have to show me how to do that when we meet again. LOVE, us livleys