Friday, June 6, 2008

TT Hershey Update #6 - Graduation Day

View pictures in the right panel.

The day began with a visit with our daughter at Panera Bread and later a shopping adventure by Audrey and our daughter, Denise. As for me, once again the iPhone kept me occupied. After getting back to the coach, Audrey took a walk around the campground while I headed out on the bike. Today I found a good route to ride not far from the campground -- little traffic through the farmland near Campbelltown. It is a ride that allows for numerous distances -- meaning Audrey can ride the shorter routes.

The graduation for our granddaughter, Samantha Filson, took place at the Hershey Arena in Hershey, PA with the ceremony beginning at 7:45. Her class at Cumberland Valley High School in Mechanicsburg, PA had nearly 600 graduates. A huge class by our standards -- 39 in my class - 56 in Audrey's. The event was like most graduation ceremonies -- speeches that went too long. Audrey and I made an exit after Samantha received her diploma. We had to leave Phara in the coach with the AC running because of the high temperature - 90 degrees. We worry about her being alone under such temperatures. One of our neighbors did check to see that there was no problem with the AC while we were away.

In a day or so you will find graduation pictures posted in the panel on the right. What a nice day and evening. We are very proud of Samantha -- and all of our children and grand children. We have been blessed.

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