Sunday, June 22, 2008

Daughter's House: Mechanicsburg, PA #2

The photo shows Phara resting in her bed.

It's Sunday and there is rain on the way. All the dogs are behaving themselves. Phara continues to show improvement. We will be heading to Panera Bread for bagels and coffee. Shopping for groceries will follow. Today looks like a day to simply to chill out. With rain in the forecast, there is little likelihood that we'll be doing any bike riding.

Today Denise and her troop begin their Disney Cruise. The cruise ship leaves from Cape Canaveral around noon and is headed to the Bahamas. They arrive back here in Mechanicsburg on Thursday - meaning we'll be on the road again.

Speaking of family, our oldest Cindy who lives in AZ, is having a less that great time in Dallas, TX. Cindy is a high school chemistry/physics teacher who has taken a group of honor students to a conference in Dallas. She says the place is a zoo - overrun with HS students not knowing how to behave. Also, there are so many students attending the conference that the wait times to get into everything takes forever. Needless to say, she is anxious to get out of TX.

Our week is quickly filling up with activities. Tomorrow (Monday) we'll be heading early to Carlisle to have breakfast with a former colleague from Dickinson College. Tuesday it's off to State College and Penn State -- home of the Nittany Lion in case some of you don't know. Wednesday it's lunch with another former colleague and a visit to the Dickinson College Campus.

Saturday: It's almost 3 days since we arrived at our daughter's house to dog and house sit. Things have been relatively calm and settled since we arrived and took Phara to the vet. Phara is showing signs of improvement by eating more often and moving around much better. Our fingers remain crossed and our prayers continue.

Today was met with a beautiful sunrise and cool temperature. Audrey had to make an early trip to Walmart and its pharmacy to get a prescription filled. I had planned to ride with the Harrisburg Bike Club on a 20/30 mile ride, but I forgot about the need to head to Walmart. So, I jumped on the bike and rode alone through the back roads near Mechanicburg -- 15 miles. Got home by 7:45 in time to shower and get off to Walmart for the pharmacy opening at 9:00. From there we headed to Paneara Bread and a bagel and coffee - 1 mile drive from WM.

Audrey is having trouble with her cell phone so from PB we headed to the Carlisle AT&T store to see if they could solve the problem -- cannnot view the screen at times. They could not solve the issue and suggested we replace the phone - out of warranty by 19 days. I told them to forget it since I have an iPhone that may become Audrey's around July 11. The move to give her my phone should I buy a new iPhone will be $20/month. Better than buying a new phone that cannot do the things the iPhone can do. Another rip-off try by a phone company.

From the AT&T store we headed to a bike shop in Mechanicsburg to see what they had that would be difficult to live without. I found many toys that we could put to good use, but we decided we'd better save our pennies just in case the democrats win the November election. We'll need every penny and more to survive as tax increases and fuel costs will be sending us to the poor house.

Our other daughter, Dawn, from Pinehurst with her 3 daughter's will be in State College (Penn State) beginning Sunday. Two of the girls will be attending a gymnastics camp. Dawn and the youngest (Olivia) will be staying at the Nittany Lion Inn. Audrey and I are excited about this adventure for the kids because it gives us an excuse to head to State College and Penn State for a visit with the Dawn and her gang. Dawn spent two years in her formative year in State College when I was doing graduate work. She is looking to returning to the area and sharing with the kids a little of her history as she grew up. All three of our daughters know Penn State well. It will be fun for us to take the kids around the campus. By the way, Dawn's husband, Ken, is a home working to pay for the State College experience.

1 comment:

Dorcas said...

Hey, Audrey, Dave and Phara, glad to hear Phara is improving. Thinking of you. Dorcas