Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TT Hershey Update #3

Sunday: After church and a few hours of Internet work at Panera Bread in Hummelstown, we headed back to the coach. We had Phara with us, and it was getting a little warm for her. After chilling out for a couple of hours, off we went to ride the new road bike. I rode mine from the campground to Cornwall. The ride in nearly 10 miles with some hills that tax the breathing process. Audrey took hers to the trail head in Cornwall and rode the rails/trails route toward Mt. Gretna. There were bicyclists all over the place. The rails/trials route was full of families riding bikes, walking, jogging and riding horses. The adjacent picture was taken at the Cornwall trail head of a family about to start on the trail. The young lady on the pony suffers from asmatha and cannot ride a bike. Later we met at and rode through a very nice retirement village in Cornwall.

Monday: After a lazy start to the day, I rode my bike to Hershey and an outlet mall where I met Audrey. She wanted to shop for something to wear to our grand daughter's graduation on Friday. While she shopped I chilled out in the auto using the iPhone to check e-mail and surf the web. Later it was lunch at Wendy's and then on to a bike shop in Hummelstown to check out the possible purchase of a cycling jersey. No sale on the jersey. I did, however, win a bid for a jersey on eBay -- $13.00 including shipping.

After getting back to the coach and chilling out, it was off for another bike ride while Audrey stopped to fill our drinking water jugs at a spring water site near the campground. The water is tested regularly by the State and costs 25 cents per gallon. She then went for a walk on the rails/trails.

My bike ride was one to remember. While entering the village of Colebrook, I was almost run off the road by a guy in a bright red auto who went by blowing the horn like a mad man As luck would have it, I saw where he went after passing me. He lives near where the incident happened and I saw him pull into his driveway. I decided to confront him about the incident and rode the bike to his driveway. He was there unloading the car and I asked him if he had harassed me as he drove by. He said he did and began to swear and carry on like a wild man. I told him to save his breath for the sheriff who would be coming by after I reported the incident. I have yet to report the incident but will later today.

Today it's off to Root's Farmers Market as the freezer and vegetable bins need replenishing.

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