Thursday, June 5, 2008

TT Hershey Update #5 - Temperatures Rising

Wednesday: The day was nothing special. Rain was in the forecast and it did rain. All of the out of door activities were suspended - no biking nor walking. A trip to Panera Bread was the order of the morning where Audrey did her banking and I updated a couple of web sites. From PB it was off to do some shopping. Audrey wanted to find something new to wear at our grand daughter's graduation on Friday evening. As for me, thank goodness for the iPhone. I can happily wait for Audrey to do her shopping using the iPhone to check e-mail and visit my favorite websites. News feeds via Google take lots of time to read. While doing the e-mail thing, etc. the podcast function is great. It's possible to listen to the latest tech news from cNet, the WSJ, etc. Speaking of the iPhone. There is great anticipation of an upgrade for the iPhone on Monday, June 9. Stay tuned. If there is a new iPhone available, Audrey may get a hand-me-down as I get the latest. FYI - most of the pictures posted on the blog have been taken with the iPhone. However, there is a new toy that may be in our future. Check out the Flip video camera.

Thursday: Headed off early to Walmart to have the auto serviced - oil change, lub, filters. Wheeled the grocery cart around the store for about an hour and ended up with a few items. Stopped at McDonald's on the way back to the coach. Later in the I headed out on the bike to Elizabethtown and got lost. Finally got help and found the Lancaster County rails/trails trail head where Audrey and driven and taken a short walk on the trail.

About a 3 weeks ago our Garmin GPS went dead and had to be returned for an exchange or repair. The unit from Garmin was to be sent to our daughter's address here in PA. Well the unit did not arrive in the 7/10 days as Garmin said. A phone call to Garmin determined the unit was sent to our home address in NC by mistake. We were concerned that the unit could have been taken if UPS left it on the house porch. As luck would have it, when our neighbor went to water Audrey's flowers, she saw the package and took it home. Now it's on the way to PA. Garmin is a good company. If the GPS were not found, they said they would replace it. We have had much bad luck with our GPS. We had our first GPS stolen from our car and the second one decided not to find satellites and had to be returned.

Summer weather on the way. Temperatures going into the 90s. Too hot for us.

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