Friday, October 1, 2010

Water Everywhere

We finally have seen the days of rain end here in eastern NC. Since Monday we have had over 16 inches of rain. As you can see from the video and the pictures, there is water everywhere. The golf course is one big water hole with our garage being an obstacle to avoid. Two inches of water is flowing through the overhead garage door and out the back door. Needless to say everything had to be moved off the floor.

The new motor home was not without its problems. We discovered a water leak in a couple of place. Nothing that cannot be corrected, but none the less a problem.

The sun is to shine later today which will allow for us to dry out. Thank goodness.

Tuesday we'll be heading to central PA to visit our daughter and her family and my 93 and 94 year-old aunts.

Best to all.

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:State Road 1364,Washington,United States

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