Sunday, October 24, 2010

Preparing to Head to FL

We're in the midst of getting things ready to leave for FL on Friday. Lots to do before we pull out about 4:30 Friday morning - packing, yard work, doc appointments and golf.

Audrey said yes to my replacing my old MacBook. Considered the new Apple Air but settled on a MacBook Pro. The Pro has more memory and disk storage space along with a faster processor. It will allow for easier work with photos and videos.

See the attached slideshow using the new system - used the new iPhoto. It shows our trikes in the Liberty. We were afraid we'd have to leave Audrey's trike at home and have her ride her road bike. Now she will have both. There is one item still to go into the Liberty - golf clubs.

YouTube Video

Speaking of golf. Last week when playing with my friend, Gil Moore, I witnessed his hole-in-one. I took the below picture of Gil retrieving the ball on the 9th hole at the Ayden Golf & Country Club.

Guess that's it for now. The next update will be after we get on the road.

The best to all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

John & Pat said...

Enjoyed your video... gosh Dave keep it up and you might get really good at this stuff!
us livelys