Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Testing the iPad

This is a test using the iPad to post to the blog. The iPhone app, BlogPress, works well. If the iPad works as well posting to the blog using BlogPress, it sure will make posting easy.

As a part of the test, below is a picture of John & Pat Lively taken in front of their new Country Coach Intrigue at Lazydays.

At his moment I am sitting in our new coach at the house enjoying the atmosphere of a much more spacious living area compared to the CC -- while watching TV using the satellite system. Speaking of the satellite system. We have a Direct TV technician coming to check the system because at times the HD function does not work. We have had trouble viewing the HD channels at times. Direct TV thinks there is a problem with an adapter that is installed on the HD receiver.

Not much else to share unless you care that there is lawn work to do and that Audrey will head to Greenville for a haircut while I hangout at Barnes & Noble.

Best to all.

-- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:State Road 1364,Washington,United States

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