Sunday, May 31, 2009

Beacon Hill Campground, Intercourse, PA

After 3 fun weeks at the TT Hershey campground, we've moved on to Intercourse and the Beacon Hill Campground. We were here last year and had so much fun, we decided to return. It's a small campground about a half mile from the center of Intercourse.

Prior to leaving TTH, I received the Hawking WiFi antenna for the iMac, and I am happy to report that it improved the WiFi signal reception. A number of folks at TTH were interested in the antenna. Such being the case, I demoed the unit for them at their coaches, and the unit worked for them. Maybe I should go into the business of selling the units while we travel. The gent from whom I purchased the original antenna for the PC is no longer on the road and selling Hawking units.

Our site here at Beacon Hill is unique. It's at the entrance to the campground and along the road that passes by the entrance. It gives us a great view of all the Amish horses and buggies passing by as well as the kids on their bikes and scooters. We also have a view of an Amish farm where we can witness the hard working Amish till the fields and work with their milk cows. (see the pictures)

While here we've had another series of rainy days. It's been rare that we've seen the sun for a full day since we arrived in PA. Nonetheless we've had many things to do. We've visited one of our favorite bike shops, Shirks, in East Earl, PA. The shop is near the Shady Maple so we had to make a stop. See the picture of the menu listing.

Between showers I've been able to ride the bike near the campground. Audrey had hers out but only for a short ride as the clouds darkened and she had to head back to the coach. Near the campground while riding I found an Amish farm that had a petting zoo. (see the pictures)

Did you know there is a railroad museum here in central PA? Yes, and it's something. It's located about 10 miles from Beacon Hill i
n Strasburg. Go here to learn about the museum.

We have been able to ride the bikes in the last couple of days as the weather has improved. . We made a second trip to Shirk's Bike Shop. I rode the bike to the shop and Audrey met me there. Yes, a few purchases were made. Audrey found a nice helmet light and I purchased a folding tire for the Corsa. After returning to the coach, we took the bikes and rode 16 miles around the Amish farm country. The beauty of the Amish farms is stunning. On the way home, we stopped at the entrance to an Amish farm where children were selling bird houses. Audrey could not miss the opportunity to get another bird house and at the same time help the fa
mily. The picture shows all the kids at the roadside stand along with their pony.

On Monday we return to Thousand Trails Hershey for 3 weeks. Our schedule during that stay will be busy. We'll give you an update so check back for the exciting news.

In addition to the pictures included in this posting, if you are interested you can find others pictures using this link.

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