Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back on the Road - In PA (Thousand Trails Hershey)

We are now back on the road after about 6 weeks in Washington. It's nice to be away from the house and yard work - at least for now. We'll miss playing golf everyday and the neighbors, but we do enjoy traveling in the coach.

Audrey took the above photos. The one shows the technology that has commandeered her dining table. The second picture she took as we uncovered the coach for our PA trip.

Sunday, May 3:
We left for the Thousand Trails Hershey preserve with a scheduled reservation arrival date of Monday, May 4. We rolled the coach out of the driveway about 5:30 am and soon found rain falling from the sky. It rained the entire trip to PA. The usual stops were made for fuel at every Flying J on the way. Diesel fuel prices ranged from $2.05 in VA to $2.35 in PA. Our overnight stay was at the Walmart in Palmyra, PA.

Monday, May 4: We left Walmart for TTH at 7:30 am arriving at TTH before the
gate opened at 8:00. For those of you who have been to TTH, you know if you want 50 amp service, you need to find a spot in H section. After checking in, we headed for H and found only one site available - at the very bottom of the hilly area where water accumulates whenever it rains. Yes, it was raining and raining so there was pond in the site. Nonetheless we decided to take the spot at least for one day and then move. Just as we were getting ready to hook up the power cord, a much better site was opening up near the bathhouse - a prime site. Audrey quickly made contact with the folks and indicated we'd like the site when they were ready to leave. About 30 minutes later, we were in the site and ready for our 3 week stay. After washing the coach in the rain (it was a mess after traveling from NC), I installed the external WiFi antenna hoping to pick up the WiFi signal from the clubhouse. Hurray, success - the antenna is working allowing for Internet access from the coach (PC computer). Later in the day we made a quick trip to Palmyra to get some Seltzer Lebanon bologna - the Seltzer factory is in Palmyra.

Tuesday, May 5: More rain. Yes, for the 3rd consecutive day it rained. No matter. We headed off to the famous Roots Market. http://www.rootsmarket.com/ We wondered around Roots for a couple of hours and bought very little other than some produce and meats. After returning home, I set up the new iMac with the hope that I could pick up the WiFi signal from the clubhouse - no such luck. Nonetheless, I used the new beauty to learn more about iMovie. Stay tuned for a coming movies.

Wednesday, May 6: Guess what? More rain. However, there is a chance that the skies will brighten later today. That means there is a slim chance that we'll be able to get Audrey's Catrike and my Corsa out of the auto and do some bike riding. We'd like to give the bike/trike a test on the local rails-to-trails. An update: No bike riding. The skies did brighten by mid-afternoon but quickly turned gray and again the rain returned. In fact there was a flood watch for this area. Nothing exciting or unique to report for today except a trip to Walmart.

Thursday, May 7: Yes, there is more rain in the forecast. At the moment the sun is shining, but it's only a temporary reprieve. We'll not see the sunshine and real warmth until Sunday - so says the weatherman. The last couple of days, I've been learning more about the new iMac and am loving it. I did some videoing using the Flip camera before heading to PA. This morning I uploaded the movies for viewing. One is a short golf outing with our son-in-law and 2 of my friends. The other two are of the grandkids - one while visiting Washington and the other with Audrey on the golf course. Check them out if you are interested.

Golf outing: http://gallery.me.com/watkinsdl#100062
Kids visit Washington: http://gallery.me.com/watkinsdl#100071
Kids golfing: http://gallery.me.com/watkinsdl#100072

Guess that's it for now. Nuff stuff that boring. Stayed tuned for later updates.

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