Sunday, June 7, 2009

We're Back at Thousand Trails Hershey

Before I begin running off at the mouth I want to point you to the below link. It will take you to our daughter Cindy's blog. She is doing a Trans-America bike ride that may interest you.

Almost a week has passed since we left Beacon Hill and returned to TT Hershey. We have a nice spot near the rec center so WiFi connectivity is strong while using the iMac. When Audrey has used her Macbook, she has had to use our new Hawking antenna to strengthen the signal.

To get the good site, we spoke with the folks who had the site before we left for Beacon Hill. We knew they were leaving the day we were scheduled return. They told us about what time they would be leaving so we made sure we were at TTH when they left in order to claim the site. It's nice when a plan comes together.

About the only day we did anything worth noting was Thursday, We left early and headed to the Cracker Barrel in Hamburg, PA to meet Audrey's brother, Jerry, and sister-in-law Judy. We have not seen them in about a year. Jerry owns an industrial insulation business but has essentially turned the business over to his son. Now he has a job I'd like. He's a pilot for a small company that flies celebrities all over the country. He's in the air about 11 days a month. He has flown Obama, Perlman and other dignitaries all over the country. Last week he spent 4 days in Bermuda while the client did business. Tough life. After having breakfast and chatting with Jerry and Judy, we made a call to my Aunt Ruth (92) in Frackville to see if she could have lunch. She said yes, so off we went to the Cracker Barrel in Frackville. (Do you sense a rut?) On the way back to the coach we stopped at the Hollywood Casino where Audrey made a dollar on the nickel slot machine.

Today, Saturday, we are seeing something strange in the sky. I think it's the sun. We have had another week of rain. The only day this week we've seen the sun and no rain was Monday. Just maybe we'll be able to ride our bikes today.

Later in the day on Saturday: Yes, the sun did shine all day, and I got to ride the Corsa into Hershey to the outlet mall where I met Audrey. We did our usual looking but little spending. Audrey, rather than ride her trike, decided to walk the campground before meeting me, and she was glad she did. She came across a family from State College, PA who have trikes and were riding them in the park. Needless to say they had a nice chat about trikes.

It's now Sunday morning, and we are at Panera Bread Hershey (thanks Myron & Dorcas) after attending the 8:00 am service at All Saints' Episcopal Church in Hershey. All Saints' is one of our favorite churches to visit on our travels. From here it's back to the TTH, change our clothing and head off on the bikes. Most likely we'll ride the rails/trails.

One last thing. Sorry John and Pat that Mine that Bird could not pull it off. We were cheering for the horse and Calvin.

Another update coming - who knows when.

All for now. Stay tuned for the next update.

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