Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lake Louisa State Park & TT Orlando

Much has gone on since our last post. We spent a week at Lake Louisa State Park, near Clermont, FL. It’s a relatively new state park with very nice sites and facilities. The neat thing about the park are the roads into and around the park. They are well paved and lightly traveled. Perfect for bike riding and running. There are some hills to test your fitness too. When we arrived at the park on Sunday, February 15, there was a triathlon in progress. The biking portion was taking place so I jumped on my recumbent and rode in the race for a short while. Wanted to see how hard and fast they were riding.

The early part of the week was spent chilling out.
One day we headed to the West Orange Trail where we rode the bikes into Winter Garden for lunch. I rode from the Panera Bread in Clermont while Audrey rode from the Killarney Station.

On Thursday, Denise (daughter) and Samantha (granddaughter) flew from Harrisburg, PA to Orlando to spend 4 days at Disney World. We spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday with them. Friday was the big day as we headed off to Epcot for the day. Later we had dinner at the new restaurant - T-Rex. Saturday and Sunday we hung out at the pool at Saratoga Springs. The kids left for the cold temperatures of PA on Monday, and we left Lake Louisa State Park for another 2 week stay in TT Orlando. We sure had a good time with the Denise and Sam. We were sorry to see them leave.

Sunday we had a phone call from our daughter (Cindy) in AZ letting us know that she had qualified for the Duathalon World Championships. A duathlon is a running - biking event. Use this link to learn more about the event.

Needless-to-say we are excited for Cindy. And here is additional good news. Two years ago the championships were held in Hungry. This year they will be held in North Carolina. Go here to view a few pictures of Cindy competing in the qualifying event.

Here in TTO things are going well. Yesterday we rode the West Orange Trail with friends of ours, Myron and Dorcas Whitley. The highlight of the day was Myron & Dorcas demoing a trike in Winter Garden. See the picture of Dorcas.

Over the next few days we'll be putting the bikes to good use. There is a ride scheduled for Friday and Saturday with other recumbent riders. The Friday ride is on the Van Fleet Trail sponsored by a local group of recumbent enthusiasts. The Saturday ride in sponsored by Catrike - the company is located in Winter Garden and will host more than 200 recumbent riders. There will be a morning ride, lunch and a tour of the Catrike factory in the afternoon. We will post updates on these events. Stay tuned.

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