Wednesday, March 4, 2009

TTO and Catrike Rally

Our stay in TTO for this 2 week period is coming to an end. On Sunday we leave for Lake Louisa State Park for a week before returning here on Sunday, March 15.

Since the last post we've done some fun things centering on our recumbents. On Friday, February 27, a group of "bent" riders gathered at the Green Pond Trailhead on the General Van Fleet Trail to ride to Polk City and back. There were 51 recumbents rolling down the trail. This event was the Catrike Pre-rally - the Catrike Rally was the next day.
Use this link to view the photos taken at the Catrike Pre-rally.

Saturday was the big day. Catrike sponsored the Catrike Rally and Factory Tour in Winter Garden. The ride began at 9:30 in Winter Garden with riders pedaling varying distances on the West Orange Trail. It was an awesome site to see between 150/200 recumbents riding the trail. Most ended their ride by noon and had lunch in Winter Garden before heading to the factory tour. The factory is about a mile from downtown Winter Garden in a small industrial park. The tour was very interesting as the owners and associates gave a demo of building a Catrike from start to finish.

The below link will show photos taken of the Catrike Rally.

While at the Catrike Rally, Audrey found a new flag for her Catrike Speed (aka Black Cat). Speaking of Catrikes. I demoed a number of models at the rally - the Catrike 700 and the Catrike Expedition. One of these days, there will be another trike in our stable of bikes. It most likely will be the Expedition since the rear wheel on my Corsa can be moved to the Expedition making for a faster ride. Speaking of interests in trikes, our friends Myron and Dorcas Whitley came to the Catrike factory tour where Dorcas demoed a number of Catrike models. Could there be a trike in her future?

Today, Wednesday, Myron Whitley will be taking on the task of replacing the cooling unit in their refrigerator that died a few days ago. I volunteered to help Myron -- ha, ha. Minimally I hope I ca
n help him move the refrigerator so he can replace the cooling unit. Beyond that there is not much I can do. Myron knows what he is doing.

Tomorrow (Thursday) we're off to Plant City and Power on Cycling where I will have the seat replaced on my Bacchetta Corsa. The seat structure has shifted and needs to be replaced (under warranty). While there I'll have the Corsa serviced.

While participating in the Catrike Pre-rally, numerous videos were taken as you would expect. View the movie below.

Stay tuned for the next post.

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