Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lazydays: Rally Park & TT Orlando

What a week we've had since the last post. Our stay at Rally Park where we were for 8 days was a winner. We enjoyed our days before the SE Trek Fun Club rally began on Thursday, January 29. The days prior to the rally were very relaxing. We rode our bikes around the Lazydays complex, ate the free breakfasts and lunches in the Club Lazydays Cafe. We took the bikes and rode the Flatwood Park Trail in Tampa. Go here to watch a short video of the ride.

On Monday,
we took the coach for service to the Central FL Coach Works in Lakeland where we had a new micro/convection oven and a new bathroom fan installed (both under warranty). Coach Works also installed the digital converter box in the main TV. While the coach was being serviced, we took our bikes to the Van Fleet bike trail only a short distance from the Coach Works. The Van Fleet Trail runs about 40 miles.

The Trek rally was a success with 51 coaches attending. Dave & Rita Neth were the hosts with Audrey and me serving as co-hosts. Go here to view pictures and videos taken at the rally.

Now we are settled in at Thousand Trails Orlando until February 15. Trek friends - the Fishers, the Whitleys, and Claire Weston are here. Former Trek owners, the Walls, are here also. I would be remiss if I did not note that our friends, John & Pat Lively are here for 2 weeks. We spent 3 weeks with them back in early December. I must tell you that when I saw John soon after we arrived here, he gave me a hard time about not identifying them as friends in our previous blog updates. Now I'm trying to make amends. You will be interested to know that John is a famous jockey having won the Preakness in 1976 -- 102nd Preakness: John Lively aboard Elocutionist wins in 1:55. We had a great time with them in December and hope that we have now hopefully redeemed ourselves.

The most recent news to report is the purchase of a new 3G iPhone for me and the hand-me-down of the Edge iPhone to Audrey. Audrey's phone died and needed to be replaced. Rather than buying a new phone that would not equal the functions of an iPhone, we decided to transfer my first iPhone to Audrey. She is a very happy camper who is working hard to master the new toy. I must report that the purchase of the new phone and the transfer was not an easy task. We spent the better part of a day moving between an Apple Store and an AT&T store in Orlando to get everything working. It was a nightmare, but now all is well. The AT&T experience was less than positive at times. The Apple Store service was exceptional.

There is bike riding in our future - the West Orange Trail in the next few days - after the cold spell we are experiencing breaks.

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