Monday, May 26, 2008

Intercourse, PA -- Another Update

MEMORIAL DAY - A day to remember and give thanks! Sunday was another great day in Lancaster County, PA. An early day trip to Panera Bread in Lancaster got us started - did not get to church. Audrey spent time e-mailing friends and family while I did the same using PB's free WiFi. A short stop at PetSmart for treats for Phara and a quick jaunt into WalMart got us on our way back to the coach.

Soon Audrey was off for her walk into downtown Intercourse and I got on the rejuvenated road bike and rode off into Amish Country. Audrey ended up finding a few shops and browsed the wares. As for me, I had ridden about 4 miles when I had to stop and adjust a toe strap. I looked down the road and saw a group of cyclists heading my way. As they approached I was back on the bike and joined the group. After riding with them for a few miles, I they told me they were riding to the Farmers Market in Bird in Hand. I asked to join them for the rest of the ride and off we went. In the end I rode about 20 miles. I found out that the group was a part of the International Christian Cycling Club. In fact one of the riders gave me a nice water bottle with the club's logo on it.

After getting back to the coach, it was time to chill out and enjoy a little golf on TV as Audrey worked on a crossword puzzle. Later Audrey did some fresh chicken thighs on the grill along with some fresh asparagus. Great meal.

The day was not fully perfect however. About 2:00 a.m. our electric management system shut down power to the coach. The voltage rose above 132 volts. So that the system didn't kick on and off the rest of the night, I went to the power pedestal, and turn off the power. After an early morning run and shower, the power is back on and a little high but OK.

Not sure what today will bring. Stay tuned.

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