Monday, July 14, 2008

Washington Report

We are back at the homestead in Washington after the past weekend trip to Pinehurst. We came home on Monday and have been working around the house ever since - mowing grass, edging beds and trimming shrubs -- all fun stuff. In between the outdoor work, we have been able to get in some biking and golf. Audrey has been riding her new road bike early in the morning before it gets too hot. I've been riding mine to Washington and back. Most times I meet Audrey for coffee and then ride home. Last weekend I purchase a cyclometer for Audrey's bike from Craigslist. Great deal. The unit arrived and has been installed and now Audrey knows how fast and far she's riding.

The big news to report is Dawn, Bailey, Sophia and Olivia are here for the weekend. Yep, they came from Pinehurst Friday and will be here until Sunday. There is never a dull moment with this gang. Dawn ordered two road bikes bikes for the girls from Amazon and had them shipped here to the house. Get this. She ordered them Thursday before noon and the bikes were delivered yesterday (Friday) at 2:00 p.m. Believe it or not, the cost of shipping was $7.00 and the bikes cost less than $150.00 each. After they arrived there was some assembly necessary but nothing major.

The pictures show the girls and their bikes, kayaking and chowing down.

Yesterday morning Dawn and I joined a small group of cyclists for a ride in the area. There were 10 cyclists who posted for the ride and the group quickly broke into two groups - one faster than the other. Dawn and I rode with the faster group and rode the 22 mile ride averaging 17.2 mph. Not a bad speed for a training ride.

About 11:00 we all headed to Greenville to visit the AT&T store to check on the availability of the new iPhone and visit the Trek bike shop. Regarding the iPhone, the AT&T store sold out of the iPhone yesterday but expect to have a new supply early next week. At the bike shop we found little of interest. The shop leaves a little to be desired. As a consequence Dawn bought a bike rack for her auto from a small shop in Washington -- good customer service unlike the G-ville shop.

Today the girls wanted to kayak before heading back to Pinehurst. About 9:30 Audrey, Dawn and the girls all went kayaking leaving me on shore. With 3 kayaks in the household, one girl joined Audrey in a yak and another joined Dawn. The oldest girl had her own kayak. All kayaked in Board Creek and the Pamlico River for almost 2 hours. Everyone had a great time. As for me, I jumped on the bike and rode a quick 10 miles. After kayaking it was off to the buffet at the Washington Yacht & Country Club before packing the car, loading the bikes and sending the gang on the road. Speaking of loading the bikes. The bike rack that Dawn purchased just did not work well. She returned it for a refund. Get this, we were able to load 4 bikes into the interior of her Honda Pilot. Yes, the front wheels of each bike had to be removed. I wish I had taken a picture of the auto as they left. Three kids, clothing and 4 bikes stuffed into the Pilot. About 6:00 pm we got word that they were home, glad to see their dad and had the bikes ready to ride.

On to the next adventure. Stay tuned.

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