Sunday, July 6, 2008

Washington & Pinehurst Adventures

We've been back in NC a week and are still not fully settled in. After parking the coach in the driveway all we could see was yard work and the coach needing to be polished. So at it we went. We got the lawn back in decent shape and tackled polishing the coach. First the coach needed to be washed. The roof was particularly dirty. It also needed the 303 treatment which it got before polishing the rest of the bugger. Now I am happy to report the coach is polished, parked in its place, covered and waiting for its next trip. Who knows when that will be with fuel prices going crazy.

Thursday was travel day from Washington to Pinehurst (3 hours) to spend the July 4 weekend with the kids. We traveled with the golf sticks and bikes as one cannot go to Pinehurst and not play golf. The bikes were to be ridden on the roads of Pinehurst with the kids and our daughter, Dawn. Dawn is training to ride in a triathlon in September in Williamsburg, VA. Poor old dad had to go on a training ride with her -- 16 miles over rolling terrain. She made me work on the flats but I pushed her on the hills. It was great fun. I must let you know that the temperature registered on Dawn's and my computer during the ride was 100 degrees - nasty heat.

Friday, July 4, was a fun day. Ken and I (Dawn's husband) went off to the links (Country Club of North Carolina) for an 8:00 am tee time. What a great time was had playing with 2 of Ken's doctor friends. What made it really nice was the fact that no money came out of my pocket.

Audrey and the rest of the gang spent the morning at the horse stable where Dawn and the girls gave their horse, Godiva, a workout. Bailey showed off her equestrian skills in the indoor ring where it was much cooler. Later, off they went to the fitness center to swim some laps and then off to the mall to do some shopping.

After dinner and as darkness came on it was time for fireworks to celebrate July 4.

On Saturday it was back to the links - Forest Creek. Ken was anxious to try a set of irons he's demoing. He's off to Scotland (golfing) for a week on July 20 with his dad and other friends, and he has designs on a new set of irons before leaving. The verdict is still out on the clubs. Nothing worthy of note took place at Forest Creek. No money exchanged hands.

After golf it was off to a bike shop in Sanford looking for multi-speed bikes for the older girls. The middle of the three, Sophia, is showing signs of real interest in biking. I rode with her the other evening and she rode like a pro. Her little legs were going a mile a minute on her single speed bike. Neat sight. The bike shop's stock of road bikes for kids was non existent. Bottom line - no new bikes. More bike shops to visit over the next weeks.

After a meal of Swiss steak prepared by Audrey and Dawn and before the rains came, it was off on a bike ride with the girls. Ken stayed at the house and worked with the youngest, Olivia, on riding her bike. She is just learning to ride without training wheels. The pictures show the whole gang of bikers taking a break and Livie with Fourth of July art work on her face.

Not sure when we'll be making the trip back to Washington. The kids want us to stay until Monday.

Stay tuned for the next report. It may not be for sometime as we plan to hang around the house as the summer temperatures rise.

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