Sunday, November 7, 2010

Made the Trip & More

Hello friends,

We are negligent in posting news about our travels as we've been busy since we left Washington for FL. We made our first stop in Brunswick, GA (10/29) where we stayed at the Golden Isle Campground one night before moving on to Lazydays and the RV Campground. We had a service appointment on Monday, November 1 to have the generator problem (would not power the coach) and the numerous water leaks that developed during the 18" of rain we had in early October addressed. The good news is all the work was under warranty, and the better news is each of the problems was corrected and all is well. The coach was subjected to the "rain bay" to ascertain if the leaks were sealed. All the old sealants were removed from the roof and replaced along with one vent cap. We did spend 2 nights in the service b
ay - always fun.

Yes, we spent many hours waiting in the Lazydays Service Pavilion while the coach was serviced. Having time to play with a new MacBook Pro and the new iLife programs, this short video was put together. Go here to view it.

Since Wednesday we have been attending the Lazydays Friends and Family Rally which ended yesterday. We'll stay here at the Lazydays RV Campground (formerly Rally Park) until Thursday when we're off to Lake Louisa State Park. Tomorrow the Lazydays Ambassadors Training Program begins, and we'll be a part of that until Thursd

The picture shows a plaque we received for helping sell coaches for Lazydays as Ambassadors.

The Friends and Family Rally was lots of fun. You can see some of the pictures and video of the rally if you have a FaceBook page and have LazydaysRV as a friend.

Not sure what we'll be doing today. One thing for sure, we will ride our bikes around the Lazydays campus and check out the new coaches. Also, there is a great chance that we'll head to the Hard Rock Casino so Audrey can win the money needed should there be a Crown Club coach we cannot live without.

See ya. Check out our FaceBook page.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Preparing to Head to FL

We're in the midst of getting things ready to leave for FL on Friday. Lots to do before we pull out about 4:30 Friday morning - packing, yard work, doc appointments and golf.

Audrey said yes to my replacing my old MacBook. Considered the new Apple Air but settled on a MacBook Pro. The Pro has more memory and disk storage space along with a faster processor. It will allow for easier work with photos and videos.

See the attached slideshow using the new system - used the new iPhoto. It shows our trikes in the Liberty. We were afraid we'd have to leave Audrey's trike at home and have her ride her road bike. Now she will have both. There is one item still to go into the Liberty - golf clubs.

YouTube Video

Speaking of golf. Last week when playing with my friend, Gil Moore, I witnessed his hole-in-one. I took the below picture of Gil retrieving the ball on the 9th hole at the Ayden Golf & Country Club.

Guess that's it for now. The next update will be after we get on the road.

The best to all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Testing the iPad

This is a test using the iPad to post to the blog. The iPhone app, BlogPress, works well. If the iPad works as well posting to the blog using BlogPress, it sure will make posting easy.

As a part of the test, below is a picture of John & Pat Lively taken in front of their new Country Coach Intrigue at Lazydays.

At his moment I am sitting in our new coach at the house enjoying the atmosphere of a much more spacious living area compared to the CC -- while watching TV using the satellite system. Speaking of the satellite system. We have a Direct TV technician coming to check the system because at times the HD function does not work. We have had trouble viewing the HD channels at times. Direct TV thinks there is a problem with an adapter that is installed on the HD receiver.

Not much else to share unless you care that there is lawn work to do and that Audrey will head to Greenville for a haircut while I hangout at Barnes & Noble.

Best to all.

-- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:State Road 1364,Washington,United States