Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Peace River - Zolfo Springs, FL

We've moved on from TT Orlando to TT Peace River in Zolfo Springs arriving on Saturday, January 3. The first night was spent without a sewer hook-up since sewer sites are at a premium. There is a limited number of such sites. The next day, Sunday, we were the first to pick a site and as a consequence got a prime site - nice concrete pad and picnic table. However, we have had a high voltage problem that has yet to be corrected. Our electrical mangagement system has shut us down late at night each of the first 2 nights here. The switching on and off of the management system is annoying so each night after mid-night, I shut off the e-power at the pedestal and ran off the inverter till morning when the problem disappeared. The problem has been reported (we're not alone in having this issue) and the electric company will hopefully correct the problem ASAP. Last night we were able to reduce the voltage by keeping the water heater on and running a cube heater outside. It worked - I did not have to shut off the power.

Yesterday we took the bikes and headed off to the Fort Frazer Trail in Bartow, FL and road the trail to Lakeland. It's about an 8 mile ride one way. You may wish to know that Audrey was stopped by a sheriff's trail patrol for speeding in her Black Cat. See the picture and the video below - whoops, I gave up on the video upload. Will post later. Yes, there is a patrol on the trail everyday. According to the patrol, there has never been a problem on the trail since it opened 2 years ago. Tomorrow (Thursday) we are off to join a group of recumbent riders (called "bents") for breakfast in Plant City before heading to the Power On Cycling recumbent shop ( where some of the group are having repair work done. After the repair work, we'll be off to ride one of the nearby trails.

Here is some news for any of you who come to PR. There is no WiFi available other that at the rec building. Speaking of WiFi. There is a charge for using the WiFi in your coach at TT Orlando. I paid the charge for 2 weeks while there over Christmas. The day after Christmas the system went down for almost 3 days. Guess what. After calling and reporting the outage each day it was down. TengoInternet provided me with 2 free weeks of access the next time I want to use their service. A very nice and surprising gesture.

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