Saturday, January 17, 2009

Peace River - Zolfo Springs, FL - Update: 2

We are still hanging out at TT Peace River and having fun. Since the last post, we've attended the FL RV Super Show in Tampa after stopping at Lazydays for a free breakfast in the Club Lazydays Cafe. We spent about 5 hours at the RV show where we managed to spend zero money. Below are a couple of pictures taken at the show. The first is Audrey standing before our new Prevost, the second is a wagon of dogs being towed through the show. The last is a picture of Audrey standing on the veranda on the Country Coach Veranda.

Also, check out this link to view a video of the Super Dogs.

On Friday, we headed to the Power On Cycling recumbent shop in Plant City. On the way we stopped again at Lazydays for the free breakfast. At POC Audrey had a rack put on her Catrike Speed while I test rode a Catrike 700 trike. See the last picture.

Sunday we head back to the Super Show to do our duty as Lazydays Ambassadors. We have booth duty from noon to 3:00 pm.

Last week Rob and Bonnie Wall and Bob and Elaine Proulx, former Trekkers, were here in the park. This week Myron and Dorcas Whitley are here, also former Trekkers. It's always nice to see our former Trek friends.

All for now.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Peace River - Zolfo Springs, FL - Update

Our stay continues at Thousand Trail Peace River. On Saturday we made a trip to Highlands Hammock State Park in Sebring to ride the bents on a 3.5 tree-canopied trail. There is a bike trail that runs along the entr-ance to the park that we also rode (3.5 miles).

Highlands Hammock State Park has a small campground that has some very nice sites should you be in the area. Water and electricity is provided.

While traveling we make an effort to get to church on Sunday. This past Sunday we visited St. Ann's Episcopal Church in Wauchula. This could be the smallest church we've ever attended. There may have been a total 15 people attending the service. However, those attending sure made us feel welcome. The picture shows the Rector, James McConnell and Audrey. The below video shows the church. Enjoy. There is rain on the way the next two days. Not to be a complete rain out, but showers. We sure need the rain. Stayed tuned with grant anticipation to the next update.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Update from Peace River - Zolfo Springs

It's been a few days since there has been a post. Frankly there isn't much to report. We continue to enjoy the great weather. Since we left NC and arrived in FL we've had two brief showers. Otherwise the days have been sunny and warm.

We continue to enjoy the new bikes. Audrey's new bike, a Catrike Speed, is now called the Black Cat, The bike is black with red cable housing - cool. Two days ago we rode the Fort Fraser Trail ( from Bartow to Lakeland with a group of other bent riders. These folks are real bent riders. They travel all over the state to ride - almost everyday. And when I say they ride, their rides are not 10/20 miles but 30/50. Checkout the pictures below. The Fraser Trail is the same trail where Audrey was arrested for speeding in her Black Cat.

The electrical problem at Peace River has been somewhat better the last few days. At night the voltage has not been quite as high. I suspect the reason for this is the cool nights with folks running heaters - drawing down the voltage. There have been a few folks who have paid the price for not having a electrical management system that shuts down the power to the coach when the voltage gets too low or too high. At least two coaches had their electronics "fried" this past week. Sad.

Today were heading off to Sebring, FL to ride the bikes - about 30 miles from here. Friends have told us about a state part there that has a very nice bike trail. Stay tuned for a report.

We got some good news the other day. As some of you know, our micro/convection oven went bad. The good news is a replacement is covered under our extended warranty. We'll have it replaced near the end of the month. Yea! At the same time we'll have the front TV converted to digital with the installation of a converter box. One day we'll replace the TV with a digital set like we did in the bedroom. The work will be done at Central Florida Coach Works in Lakeland - a very reputable repair facility.

That's it folks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Peace River - Zolfo Springs, FL

We've moved on from TT Orlando to TT Peace River in Zolfo Springs arriving on Saturday, January 3. The first night was spent without a sewer hook-up since sewer sites are at a premium. There is a limited number of such sites. The next day, Sunday, we were the first to pick a site and as a consequence got a prime site - nice concrete pad and picnic table. However, we have had a high voltage problem that has yet to be corrected. Our electrical mangagement system has shut us down late at night each of the first 2 nights here. The switching on and off of the management system is annoying so each night after mid-night, I shut off the e-power at the pedestal and ran off the inverter till morning when the problem disappeared. The problem has been reported (we're not alone in having this issue) and the electric company will hopefully correct the problem ASAP. Last night we were able to reduce the voltage by keeping the water heater on and running a cube heater outside. It worked - I did not have to shut off the power.

Yesterday we took the bikes and headed off to the Fort Frazer Trail in Bartow, FL and road the trail to Lakeland. It's about an 8 mile ride one way. You may wish to know that Audrey was stopped by a sheriff's trail patrol for speeding in her Black Cat. See the picture and the video below - whoops, I gave up on the video upload. Will post later. Yes, there is a patrol on the trail everyday. According to the patrol, there has never been a problem on the trail since it opened 2 years ago. Tomorrow (Thursday) we are off to join a group of recumbent riders (called "bents") for breakfast in Plant City before heading to the Power On Cycling recumbent shop ( where some of the group are having repair work done. After the repair work, we'll be off to ride one of the nearby trails.

Here is some news for any of you who come to PR. There is no WiFi available other that at the rec building. Speaking of WiFi. There is a charge for using the WiFi in your coach at TT Orlando. I paid the charge for 2 weeks while there over Christmas. The day after Christmas the system went down for almost 3 days. Guess what. After calling and reporting the outage each day it was down. TengoInternet provided me with 2 free weeks of access the next time I want to use their service. A very nice and surprising gesture.