Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back to you with News

It's been quite awhile since news from Washington, NC has hit the Internet. In part that's because there has been little excitement in our lives that we feel a necessity to share. We opted, for a variety of reasons, to miss the SE Trek Fun Club rally in Flat Rock, NC and the Country Coach rally in TN. We heard the Trek rally was a winner. No news about the CC rally.

Most of the time since the last update has been spent doing the usual sort of things done while at home - housework, lawn care, exercising (walking, jogging, biking & golfing). Yes there are some exciting things done too - like going to Walmart and Lowes in Washington. An occasional visit to McDonald's or Bojangles spices up those visits. Noting exercising. Audrey now has a Polar F-11 heart rate monitor that she loves. It provides more information than she knows how to use beyond the usual heart rate, calories burned and target zone data. The F-11 was an e-Bay purchase.

The most exciting news to share is what our daughter Cindy accomplished a few weeks ago. For the second consecutive year she is an Arizona State Road Bike Time Trial Champion. Check out the pictures we asked her to send us. Please disregard the background sign. (-:

Now more biking news. A new activity adventure has creeped into our lives. We are now giving the recumbent biking world a try. The Benners, Bob & Donna, have been riding recumbents for years and have tried to get us to give them a whirl. About 3 weeks ago we each rode recumbents at a bike shop in New Bern, NC. Each of us came away excited about the experience. However, I must admit I had some difficulty mastering riding a recumbent while Audrey simple hopped on one and rode off. Since that initial experience, we have demoed others. Friends of ours have them and have allowed us to ride theirs. In fact, the gent has more than 10,000 miles in his. He has ridden much of the Lewis & Clark Trail.

Now for the rest of the story. On Thursday, October 2 we headed to Carrboro, NC to a bike shop that was getting out of recumbent bike sales and had a clearance sale going on. After demoing two different models, I came away with a Bacchetta Corsa. If interested, check out the specs on the bike here http://tinyurl.com/4pffka and see the picture on the left.

After the purchase, we headed to Pinehurst to visit with the kids for the weekend and to master riding the recumbent. Yesterday, Friday, I rode approximately 30 miles and I must say it is different from riding a mountain or road bike. It's a much more relaxing experience. You just sit there and pedal without the neck, back, shoulder, and bottom soreness associated with riding a road or mountain bike. It won't be long until Audrey is riding one too. She is looking for a recumbent that does not have the pedals extended as the Corsa does.

It's now Sunday morning and our Winter travel schedule has come to the point where it is almost finalized. This morning I made what could be our last reservation for Thousand Trails Orlando for this winter. We'll enter the park on February 1, 2009 for 2 weeks. After that we begin to wrap-up our stay in FL with reservations in Lake Griffin State Park and the Salt Springs Recreation Area before heading to a CC rally at Jekyll Island and the FMCA rally at Perry, GA

It's Monday morning and we are back in Washington trying to get the house in order. Audrey has been doing her banking while I am doing my best to fight a head cold. Picked the bugger up over the weekend in Pinehurst.

Tuesday is here and the head cold is nasty. Tried taking a short bike ride to open up the nasal passages - not much success. Audrey is doing her best to stay away from me and rightly so. Weather here in eastern NC is nearly perfect. Time to post this update.